Kristine Allen


Kristine Allen

Kristine Allen

Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense, Romance, Erotic Romance

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  • Member Since

    Aug 2017

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    29 July

  • Profession

    Registered Nurse and Author


Kristine Allen lives in beautiful Central Texas with her adoring husband. They have four brilliant, wacky and wonderful children. She is surrounded by twenty six acres, where her five horses, four dogs, and five cats run the place. Kristine realized her dream of becoming a contemporary romance author after years of reading books like they were going out of style, and having her own stories running rampant through her head. She works as a nurse, but in stolen moments, taps out ideas and storylines until they culminate in characters and plots that pull her readers in and keep them entranced for hours.

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